
Security checks up at Cebu City jail

EVERYONE, including the jail warden herself, will undergo inspection to prevent the smuggling of weapons or drugs in the Cebu City Jail.

Cebu City Jail Warden Maria Victoria Jimenez said visitors and jail personnel will be frisked as part of their security measures following the discovery of 125 sachets of methamphetamine hydrochloride, locally known as shabu or rice last Monday.

The drugs were found during the “Operation Greyhound” done by the jail personnel on their inmates last Tuesday.

In a report to the Police Coordinating and Advisory Council (PCAC) Jimenez said the drugs were taken from inmate Erick H. Armenion at the visiting area.

Armenion was detained on drug possession charges.

Also recovered during the operation were four syringes, two improvised tooters (or pipes), one improvised tattoo machine, one hammer, a pair of scissors and two pliers.

Jail personnel likewise recovered two lengths of cable wire, two improvised ropes, 10 iron bars, 16 improvised knives, 20 disposable lighters and a set of playing cards.

The city jail warden, who assumed office two weeks ago, said no one is exempted from the security checks.

She said she also undergoes the same frisking done on visitors. Security cameras are in place at the jail area, Jimenez added.

Jimenez also said she requested Cebu City Hall to restore the allowances it used to give to jail guards. Correspondent Chito Aragon