
Drilon pays tribute to Mandela

Sen. Franklin Drilon FILE PHOTO

MANILA,  Philippines — The Senate  joined the  world  on Friday in mourning the passing  of  South African leader Nelson Mandela whom Senate President  Franklin Drilon described as  a “potent for honor, courage and magnanimity.”

“Today we have lost a man who throughout his life, has served as a potent symbol for honor, peace, courage and magnanimity,” Drilon said in a statement.

Mandela’s life, he said, was marked by “positive transformation, enabled by his lifelong belief in goodwill and his unmatched determination.”

“From rebel leader to prominent activist, from prisoner to president, Mandela, called “Madiba” by his people, transformed not only himself, but others around him, and the entire nation of South Africa,”  Drilon said.

“On behalf of the Senate of the Philippines, we extend our deepest sympathy and utmost support to his beloved wife, Graça Machel, and to his children. We join the entire world and the people of South Africa in mourning for the loss of this truly extraordinary man,”  the Senate leader added.

Mandela died  at his Johannesburg home on Friday (Philippine time) after a prolonged lung infection. He was 95.

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