
The Health Care Law and You: What’s Available to older Americans

Medicare Prescription D Drug Plan — Who will benefit?

People 65 or older and the disabled on Medicare Part D (prescription drug plan) will get financial relief when they fall into the prescription drug coverage gap, or the so-called “donut hole.” They will get a 50 percent discount on brand name drugs and pay less for generics. The donut hole will close completely in 2020.

How many will benefit: 4.6 million Californians

Rollout date: January 2011

Preventive care — Who will benefit?

Seniors on Medicare, as well as people with insurance between the ages of 50 and 64, are eligible for a free annual physical, providing them an opportunity to discuss ongoing health needs with their doctor.

They can also receive free screenings for such conditions as colorectal cancer, breast cancer, diabetes and HIV, without a co-pay or deductible fee.

How many will benefit?

An estimated 4.6 million Californians on Medicare, as well as 5.2 million in the 50 to 64 age group.

Rollout date:  September 2010

Secured coverage – Who will benefit?

Health insurers can no longer cancel plans of those between 50 and 64 who get sick or make a mistake on an insurance application.

Additionally, the new health care reform law now prevents insurers from covering less than $1.25 million in medical treatment in 2011, and that amount will go up to $2 million beginning September 23, 2012. Starting January 1, 2014, insurers will not be able to limit how much they can cover at all.

How many will benefit?

5.2 million Californians between the ages of 50 and 64.

Medi-Cal expansion – Who will benefit?

The Affordable Care Act will make uninsured adults between 50 and 64 who are at or below 133 percent of the federal poverty level (currently, $14,520 a year for an individual) eligible for Medi-Cal, regardless of whether they have a disability or fit into a previous eligibility category.

How many will benefit: To early to know

Rollout date: January 1, 2014.

Paid for by The California Endowment

