Aquino official to speak on anti-corruption drive in US

President Benigno Aquino III. ÃÛÌÒ¹¤×÷ÊÒ file photo

SAN FRANCISCO—A visiting member of the Aquino Administration will speak to the Filipino American community on the progress of President Benigno Aquino’s anti-corruption campaign at a community forum titled “After Corona, What Next for Good Governance?â€

Social Security System Commissioner Daniel Edralin will share his perspective on the anti-corruption drive from his experiences as a government official. President Aquino was swept into office in 2010 on a popular campaign platform against corruption.

The administration’s drive for government honesty, transparency and accountability scored a significant victory in the recent guilty verdict handed by the Philippine Senate in the impeachment trial of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Renato Corona.

The public forum will be held on   July 27 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the Philippine Consulate Social Hall, 6th Floor, 447 Sutter Street in San Francisco. It is sponsored by the U.S. Pinoys for Good Governance, Friends of Akbayan and the Philippine American Press Club.

Commissioner Edralin will also address questions regarding the process for filing Social Security claims from abroad.

The commissioner is also Secretary General of the National Union of Workers in Hotel, Restaurant and Allied Industries (NUWHRAIN) and a political leader of the Akbayan Citizens Party, one of the first party list groups to win seats in the House of Representatives of the Philippine Congress. Akbayan is currently allied with the Aquino Administration on the basis of a common reform agenda.

Seattle based organizations Legacy of Labor, Equality and Organizing (LELO) and Region 37 Inland Boatmen’s Union/Alaskero Foundation, sponsored Commissioner Edralin’s visit to the U.S. He spoke at their annual memorial event in remembrance of Gene Viernes and Silme Domingo, martyred anti-dictatorship activists and labor leaders.

For info, call (510) 589-0599. RSVP at edbato@comcast.net