
Impeachment trial established the solution to Philippines’ massive corruption problem

The almost impossible task of removing the Supreme Court’s Chief Justice who really needed to be removed is done. This could be the spark that lights the nation’s fire towards real reforms in all three branches of government from top to bottom – an absolute necessity if the Philippines is to be a truly progressive democratic country.

The Corona impeachment trial provided us with some valuable insights which should be integrated in government affairs and can be utilized to eliminate the terrible institutionalized culture of government corruption which crushes Filipinos with the terrible  sufferings that it renders.

In his impeachment trial, Corona went down and was convicted because of the admission of  relevant  two general items of  evidence and the weight given to these: One, his Statement of Assets, Liabilities and Net-worth (SALN) ; Two, the Anti Money Laundering Council (AMLC) data on his dollar deposits.

When the AMLC data presented by Ombudsman Conchita Carpio Morales established that Corona had millions of dollars deposited in various accounts and his annual SALN reports clearly indicated that he did not report these – an overwhelming majority of the Senator-Judges were compelled to convict him.

One of of the three Senator-Judges who voted to acquit ranted and raved – was bothered, bewildered and viewed as a witch by many – presented  non sequitur arguments in Corona’s defense. Nevertheless, the truth of  her factual accusations against  government officials which formed the premise of her arguments cannot be denied. Essentially, the premise of her argument is that the Philippine government is one of the world’s most corrupt, that countless officials are corrupt (and she certainly did not exclude her fellow Senators from that grouping) – and that practically all misrepresent their annual SALNs.

Her fallacious conclusion: Therefore, it is not right to convict the Chief Justice for a wrongdoing that almost every official is guilty of. Among other things, she cited the common practice of officials withdrawing money from their bank accounts prior to completing their annual end of the year SALNs so they can report minimal money assets and then re-depositing these at the beginning of the following year.

Her argument is about as valid as saying that corrupt government officials should not be convicted when caught stealing because countless corrupt government officials in the Philippines also steal. It’s also like saying that racists in the American South who engage in violent hate crimes should not be convicted when caught because  so many racists there regularly do the same thing.

Notwithstanding the error in her arguments, she brought out an important truth – that so many government officials are corrupt and that they lie in their SALN reports. We need to now face and resolve this national shame and problem which crucify and victimize all of us in one way or another  including those who are corrupt.

Of really great practical value to the nation is what this impeachment trial has inadvertently established: The SALN law and AMLC data can effectively be used to remove and criminally convict  corrupt government officials.

Heaven most likely provided  this unexpected bonanza in order to help us finally rid the country of institutionalized corruption which has plagued our people for ages. It’s now up to us to follow through and utilize these valuable available tools if we really seriously want an efficient and honest government. I believe we do.

What then should we do?

By Executive Order, President Aquino should immediately establish a well-funded section at the Ombudsman’s office which routinely examines the SALNs of government officials. (At present, no one really reviews the annual SALNs of officials making it practically useless.) Like in the United States, SALNs of officials should be open and available  to the public. Not even the President is exempted from this requirement. No government official should be exempted. An official who does not want his assets, liabilities or Networth scrutinized – should resign.

This is Aquino’s chance for real greatness and a chance to make all of his parents’ dreams and the dreams of millions of Filippinos come true. This hope for a corruption free Philippines and a better life for all is why millions voted for him. This is the coming together of all the reasons for his being at this time and place. Everything happens for a purpose.

If the SALN or lifestyle of an official waves some red flags – AMLC data on the official should be requested and analyzed. If obvious wrongdoing is involved, then the official can successfully be prosecuted using his SALN reports and AMLC data. Obviously, the Ombudsman’s office will be needing more prosecutor lawyers and support personnel including field investigators.

Damning evidence can or should be shared with other government agencies like the Bureau of Internal Revenue and the Department of Justice.

Eradicating mass corruption in government will mean that the billions of tax money collected from the people will not end up in the pockets of corrupt officials but will be returned to the people in terms of increased and higher quality infrastructures, schools, health care, roads, bridges, nutrition, peace and order, government services, etc.

With the government saving billions of pesos from stopping corruption, the salaries of officials can be raised significantly – allowing them to provide a decent life for themselves and their families and easing the temptations to be corrupt because of legitimate family needs. Providing sufficiently adequate incomes and benefits to government officials should be part of the strategy against mass corruption.

A couple of Senators have raised the issue where a  current administration might possibly use SALN reports and AMLC data for political vendetta.  But if one is honest and has nothing to hide, what is there to fear? And once our judicial system has become honest, we can have recourse in our courts which can provide relief and true justice. No administration would want to risk losing its credibility by bringing false charges against innocent citizens.

For the good of all, we should now immediately utilize this valuable insight providentially brought to us by this impeachment trial – a truly great blessing to the nation. The SALN reports and AMLC data are clearly very valuable tools in the sacred fight against corruption. The use of these instruments provide the answer to the oft asked question: “How do we rid the Philippines of massive deeply embedded institutionalized corruption?”

We now have a blueprint on how to proceed in solving a very difficult problem which has kept us among the slag countries at the bottom of the “most honest government” list or at the top of the “most corrupt government” rankings. The Corona impeachment trial may turn out to be the greatest blessing for the Philippines in this century because of the insights and enlightenment that emanated from it.

From out of something bad, (in this case GMA and Corona’s corruption and dishonesty), something good sometimes happens. In this case, the likelihood of massive reforms in all branches of government from top to bottom – which will really make it more fun to be in the Philippines.

If this happens, watch out world – here we come, ready to accomplish much and take our position among the respected and great nations of the world.

More importantly, it would mean a way out for millions of talented and intelligent Filipino boys and girls stricken by poverty, who dig into stinking dirty garbage cans for food, who do not have proper shelter, health care, education, who are exposed to crime and condemned to a life without a decent future. If we provide an escape for them, they can flower to their highest potentials in the arts, sciences, philosophy, humanities and other fields – as our Creator intends. They can contribute immensely to making a better  Philippines.

We owe it to God, to our fellowmen and to ourselves – to make the reality of a corruption free Philippine government happen  and to create a better world for all.

Note: The State Bar of California honors Atty. Ted Laguatan as one of only 29 U.S. lawyers officially certified as Expert- Specialists for more than 20 years. He also does accident related injuries, wrongful death and complex litigation. For communications (San Francisco Bay Area): 455 Hickey Blvd. Ste. 516, Daly City, Ca 94015 Tel 650 991-1154 󲹳650-991-1186 email laguatanlaw@gmail.com.