Chinese woman throws fit during arrest, slapped with more raps

MANILA, Philippines—What was supposed to have been standard police procedure took a vicious turn when a Chinese woman, who was supposed to be questioned over an alleged theft of P100,000 in cash, attacked the complainant, destroyed his mobile phone, and assaulted law enforcers in a condominium in Sta. Cruz, Manila Monday, the authorities said.

The subsequent arrest of Xu Geman, 38, in her condo unit in a building along Alonzo Street by operatives of the Manila Police District Meisic station 11 led to the discovery of other crimes, particularly estafa, she allegedly committed early this year against her compatriots.

Xu was charged on Tuesday at the city prosecutor’s office with robbery, malicious mischief, slight physical injury, direct assault and resisting arrest. She remained at a holding cell at MPD station 11.

Investigators said the incident occurred before noon Monday at Xu’s condo unit after Emman Zhang, 43, a university professor, sought police assistance claiming that the Chinese woman and two other cohorts had lured him to her unit last week, promising to sell him a luxury watch worth P100,000 but robbed him instead.

When the police and Zhang arrived at the woman’s house to verify his complaint, Xu allegedly flew into a rage and kicked Zhang, grabbed his bag, took his mobile phone and hurled the device, destroying it.

She then allegedly started cursing in Chinese at the complainant and tried to attack the stunned policemen until she was subdued and arrested.

Investigators pointed out that apart from the multiple charges Xu was facing, they were waiting for other Chinese complainants who might surface and charge her with estafa for allegedly issuing on January and February bad checks to pay off her debts.