
Marcos: NO hero!

There is a brewing controversy in the Philippines today as to whether the government should allow the brutal Philippine dictator Ferdinand E. Marcos to be buried in the Libingan ng Mga Bayani (Cemetery for Heroes).

The dictator’s family and the obviously unthinking supporters of Marcos are pushing for the idea. But those opposing the move, which include many social and civic groups in the Philippines and Filipinos around the world, of which the US Pinoys for Good Governance (USP4GG), the Overseas Filipinos for Good Governance (OFFGG), the Filipino United Network – USA (FUN-USA), three anti-graft advocacy groups, are part of, are saying “Hell NO! Marcos is no hero!”

Those against the move cited the following established facts, as enumerated by Atty. Ted Laguatan of California in his letter to President Noynoy Aquino as representative of the USP4GG:

“Marcos declared martial law based on many lies – inventing justifications to eliminate elections and remain as President indefinitely. As an absolute dictator, he engaged in all kinds of corruption and also stole directly from the nation’s treasury amassing  an indecent fortune in the billions while Filipinos starved.  US military records also prove that his claim of having been awarded 27 medals for heroism in WWII are blatantly false.”

To eliminate the opposition during the Martial Law which he declared on September 21, 1972 to stay in power, Marcos jailed dozens of pro-democracy leaders, including his arch-enemy, who was subsequently assassinated on October 21, 1983, Senator Benigno (Ninoy) Aquino, Jr., the father of incumbent President Aquino.

When Senator Ninoy visited me in my home in Indiana for a medical check-up a couple of months before flying back to the Philippines on that fateful day in 1983, he was convinced that Marcos had to be stopped, one way or another, in his rampage and slaughter of the country. In making the ultimate sacrifice, Ninoy was able to change the course of history for the Filipinos and restored freedom and democracy, with the election on February 25, 1986 of his wife, Cory Aquino, the “plain housewife in yellow dress”, who toppled and banished the dictator in a bloodless revolution, known as the People Power Revolution of 1986.

During the regime of Marcos, the countless killings of those against him and the massive plunder perpetrated by him and his cronies, paled in comparison to his ruthless iron-rule that led to the demise of democracy and freedom for the Filipinos and for the Philippines as a nation. For his victims and their loved ones, the savagery was hideous. For the Philippines, it was devastation at its worst, causing the economy to plunge precipitously all the way down from second to the top (Japan) to second from the bottom, just a rung above Bangladesh.

Even the blind can see clearly that Ferdinand E. Marcos was no hero. He was a villain who killed the integrity of the Philippines and the dignity of the Filipinos. Today, Filipinos are still harshly affected by the aftershock the destruction Marcos has wrought upon the Philippines and its people.

Let us, Filipinos, be wise and just, and have common sense. Let us not change the definition of heroism. More importantly, let us not revise history. Truth matters. Let us momentarily forget politics and personalities. Let us be objective and honest, and call spade a spade.

We would be the laughing stock of the world if we faltered in our decision and declared Marcos a hero, which will, by logic, automatically make Senator Noynoy and President Cory Aquino, and the millions of other freedom-loving Filipinos, the villains.

When the world is ready to accept Hitler, Stalin, Sadam, bin Laden as heroes, then, and ONLY then, can we, Filipinos, CONSIDER allowing the brutal Philippine dictator Ferdinand Marcos to be buried in the Libingan ng mga Bayani. To do so now would only desecrate the sacred and noble resting place of our genuine heroes, and prove to the world how hopelessly dumb and stupid we are as a people.

But, actually, if you think about it, the more pertinent question should perhaps be: Since Marcos had mercilessly raped and devastated the Philippines, does he even deserve to be buried in our soil?

Philip S. Chua, MD, FACS, FPCS is chairman of the Filipino United Network–USA