
More than just another Jab: The role of vaccines in helping prevent certain diseases

Vaccines have hadasignificant positive impact on human health.Their administrationhas led to a dropin the incidence ofvaccine-preventable diseasesthat were historically fatal to millions. During the COVID-19 outbreak, the world was reminded of thevitalrole that a single vaccine playsnot just for one’shealthbutforthe well-being of populations around the globe.

“COVID-19 vaccines are one of the most incredible medical advances in history.Unfortunately, many people do not appreciate the level of importance of vaccines. These vaccines will be the solution, the way for us to end this current pandemic,”said Dr. MelvinSanicas, Infectious Diseases Global Health Specialist and Ten Outstanding Young Men 2021 Awardee.

This year’s World Immunization Week theme,“Long Life for All,”highlights that we have a partin promotingthe use of all available vaccines tohelpprotect people of all ages against disease.

In line with this year’s theme of‘Long Life for All,’theImMUnityTeam of the Mu Sigma Phi Medical Sorority, University of the Philippines-Manila College of Medicine(UPCM),held a webinar entitledImMUnization: A Passport to Longevity. This brought focus on the relevance of immunization through the ages and for all ages. The event was organizedbythe UP Philippine General Hospital (PGH), the Philippine Foundation for Vaccination, the Mu Sigma Phi Foundation, and health care company MSD in the Philippines.

Keeping its commitmenttopromotingvaccine confidencealongside the health community, MSD actively engages in multi-stakeholder collaborations, such as the advocacy partnership with UPCM – Mu Sigma Phi Medical Sorority, Inc., to address the challenges of vaccine hesitancy and emphasize the importance of a life-course vaccination. MSDalsosupports campaigns that aim toenhancevaccine confidence by communicating the value of immunization inhelping savelives and preventing vaccine-preventable diseases and outbreaks.

A life-course approach to immunization

Vaccination programs often focus ondistinctlife stages, such as childhoodimmunization, but evidence supports a life-course approach where vaccination is given throughoutan individual’s life. The life-course approach to vaccination stems from the simple fact that the risk of infectious diseases extends far beyond childhood and into old age. With this life-course vaccine approach,not only individuals will reap the benefits, but it will also have a favorable impact onpublic health and socioeconomics.

TheNational Immunization Program (NIP) of the Department of Health aims to provideFilipinosaccess to routinely recommendedvaccines.It alsoaims tohelpreduce the morbidity and mortality among children against the most common vaccine-preventable diseases (VPDs) liketuberculosis,poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and measles. The program currentlyprovides vaccines against VPDs for newborns, infants, older children, pregnantwomen, and senior citizens.

The government’s vaccination services are set to continue with adaptive guidelines tohelpprotect vulnerable age groups like senior citizens, who are more prone to acquiring pneumococcal diseases. It is also stipulated under RA 9994 or the“Expanded Senior Citizens Act of 2010”that indigent senior citizens are entitled to free vaccinations for pneumonia and influenza.

“Pleaseensure children have the right vaccinationbecause theyare our future.Let’s give themalongand fruitfullife in a country wherevaccination is at the forefront of our health delivery system in previous years,”Philippine Foundation for Vaccination Executive Director Dr. Lulu Bravo emphasized.

Vaccine matters

Despite the evidence of health gains from immunization programs,some groups have always resisted vaccines. Dr. Bravohoped to address thisbyhighlightingthe importance of vaccines andsharingpractical tips on how to deal with vaccine hesitancy.

“Vaccines do not kill. Misinformation and disinformation kill,”Dr. Bravo emphasized. Shestressedthat communication plays anessentialrole in fighting vaccine hesitancy and relaying the message about how vaccineswork for our health and the community.

Building vaccine confidence and a more resilient health system require addressing the stigma surrounding vaccination, which prohibits many people from getting the vaccinations that willhelpprotect them againstvaccine-preventablediseases.

“Engage with the hesitant people. There is no single solution. We must understand their motivation. People need to be listened to,and vaccination framed inaway that it matters to them,”she encouraged.“You can help by positively shaping public perception ofthe benefits of immunization. Increase awareness of the burden of diseases in life and the economy. Dispel myths and rumors on immunization.”

TheMu Sigma Phi Medical Sorority(MSPS)also helped spur awareness about the benefits of vaccines through a social media campaignon TikTok.“Social media is an important tool in our arsenal to educate and urge Filipinos, especially the youth, about vaccination. Through this campaign, we hoped to engage them in this popular platform and emphasize how vaccines help save lives,”shared Ron Villas, MSPS Service Committee Chairperson.

Meanwhile, Dr. Beverly Ho, Director IV of the Department of Health, Health Promotion Bureau,enumerated the government’s programs and campaigns to promote acceptance and usage of vaccines.“Vaccinesmay offerprotection from vaccine-preventable diseases across life stages.Among the vaccines provided for free under the National Immunization program include vaccines againsttuberculosis, Hepatitis B, polio, pneumonia, measles,mumps,and rubella.

Dr.Ho underscored that routine immunization is the foundation for strong, resilient health systems and universal health coverage.“However, we also want to inform the public that routine immunization is only a part of the overall health program of the government,and there is still a need for regular consultations at your local health centers.”

Dr. Ho further emphasized that“immunization is just one of the basic health services thatinfants,children, teenagers, women, and senior citizens need,and part of the department’s catch-up immunization program is to vaccinate at least 80% of the remaining 1,100,000 infants who missed their routine immunizationin2021due the pandemic.”

Having a resilient and sustainable immunization system depends on building vaccine confidence. Hence, stronger collaboration among stakeholders plays a crucial role in raising awareness about how vaccines may help protect oneself, one’s family, and the community from vaccine-preventable diseases, as well as emphasizing vaccines’ importance at all stages in the pursuit of building a healthy citizenry.