
Globe integrates supply chain onto sustainability practices


As a requisite for accreditation, Globe’s partner vendors and suppliers are encouraged to commit to support the economic, social, and governance aspects of sustainability that the company espouses to help contribute to sustainable development.

By acknowledging Globe’s Supplier Code of Ethics, partners are encouraged to comply with at least the minimum sustainability standards of the policy. Key areas include protection of human rights, environmentally conscious operations, health and safety, business continuity, transparency, integrity, and corporate citizenship.

Vendors and suppliers are also encouraged to develop and implement their own sustainability programs and enjoin their own partners to do the same, in order for the whole supply chain to embrace sustainable practices. Alignment in the early stages of engagement plays a critical role in embedding the company’s core values in the supply chain.

“Globe believes that the best outcomes for the economy may be generated only through collaboration, mutual support, and a vision for a shared future so we conscientiously partner only with suppliers and vendors who share our values rooted in innovation and sustainability to drive inclusive growth,” said Rizza Maniego-Eala, Globe’s Chief Finance Officer.

Globe also has a vendor monitoring system that enables it to evaluate supplier performance and determine action areas for improvement.

As of end-2020, over 85% of Globe’s suppliers are Philippine-based companies or vendors that have their main operations in the country. The company actively engages local vendors to help in nation-building and stimulate economic growth in a sustainable manner.

Even during the pandemic, Globe proactively reached out to its ecosystem of partners to enable them to effectively manage the impacts of the global health crisis, ensure business continuity, and support their well-being. Benefits and safety initiatives provided to its own employees were also extended to all suppliers working on its operations which included access to the DOH-approved and certified COVID-19 testing facility called Globe Labs giving the group’s more than 13,000-strong workforce access to quick, affordable and accurate procedures for diagnosing the disease.

Globe is a signatory to the UN Global Compact Principles and commits to support the 10 principles on Human Rights, Labor, Environment, and Anti-Corruption. Globe also commits to support 10 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, such as UN SDG No. 12—Sustainable Consumption and Production—which is about achieving economic growth and sustainable development by adopting and promoting sustainable procurement practices that are in accordance with national policies and priorities.

To know more about Globe, visit www.globe.com.ph.