
PH distances self from UN resolution on Myanmar

The United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) in Geneva adopted on Friday a resolution that called for the unconditional release of Myanmar’s elected leaders and other arbitrarily detained persons, a motion that the Philippines, China, Russia and other countries distanced themselves from.

According to the UNHRC, the resolution on the human rights situation following the military coup in Myanmar was adopted without vote during its 29th special session.

The resolution deplored the military ouster of the democratically elected government of Myanmar and called for the restoration of its government.

In a statement, the Department of Foreign Affairs, however, said “the Philippines cannot stress strongly enough the primacy of national internal efforts toward democratic reforms, and never by the imposition of foreign solutions whether in regional or multilateral contexts, including through this council.”

On Feb. 1, armed forces in Myanmar seized control of the government and arrested State Counsellor Aung San Suu Kyi and President Win Myint.

“The council strongly called upon the Myanmar military and other security forces and authorities to take steps immediately to protect the rights to freedom of opinion and expression, religion or belief, association and peaceful assembly in accordance with international human rights law, and to ensure that members of civil society organizations and the media are able to operate freely and without fear of violence, harassment or intimidation,” the UNHRC said in a statement

Human rights situation

The UN body focused on the protection of human rights, in its resolution, also urged the lifting of state of emergency in Myanmar while refraining from violence. It likewise sought the cancellation of internet and telecommunications restrictions in the country.

The resolution also asked that the UNHRC and the Special Rapporteur to assess the human rights situation in Myanmar and for state authorities to cooperate.

The United Kingdom and Austria drafted the resolution.

During the debates, civil society organizations said security forces in Myanmar moved violently against protesters.

—Nikka G. Valenzuela