
Employer accused of firing Filipino domestic helper pregnant with his child


An employer in Hong Kong is facing charges for allegedly terminating his Filipino domestic helper’s contract while she was pregnant with their child.

Menchie L.L., accused her former employer Martin C.P., of violating the Sex Discrimination Ordinance in a hearing on June 19, as per Hong Kong News on July 3.

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Menchie told Martin she was pregnant in May 2017 and was expecting to give birth in January 2018. When she requested for a maternity leave, her former employer allegedly told her to sign a letter that would terminate her contract back in June 2017.

She accused Martin of assaulting her and telling her to leave Hong Kong when she refused to sign the letter, the report said.

According to laws in Hong Kong, employers who are found guilty of firing pregnant employees could face fines of up to $100,000 and be made to pay the employee $150,000.

The Filipino domestic helper is also seeking $90,000 from Martin for loss of income and emotional distress.

Aside from the case of violating the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, Menchie also filed four criminal and civil cases against her former employer. As per report, one of the cases is about how much financial assistance Martin is obliged to give the child as DNA tests revealed he was the biological father.

Menchie is planning to return home to the Philippines with the child, who was born in January 2018, but is unable to because of her pending cases against Martin.

Menchie’s lawyer from the Equal Opportunities Commission suggested the possibility of an out-of-court settlement before the formal trial takes place, the report said. Judge Ko, from the hearing in June 19, echoed the statement, suggesting a “global settlement” to resolve all of Menchie’s pending cases.

A hearing for the case on discrimination is scheduled for Oct. 9. Ryan Arcadio/JB


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