
DFA: 32 Filipino seafarers safe after tanker attacks

MANILA, Philippines – The 32 Filipino seafarers in two oil tankers reportedly attacked and damaged in the Strait of Hormuz are safe and in good health, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) said.

In a statement issued on Tuesday, the DFA said Philippine Ambassador to United Arab Emirates (UAE) Hjayceelyn Quintana met with the 11 Filipino seafarers of the MT Front Altair and the 21 Filipino seafarers of the MT Kokuka Courageous in two separate meetings with the assistance of UAE authorities.

“Ambassador Quintana is happy to report that all Filipino seafarers are unharmed and in good condition,” the DFA said.

The DFA noted that the two tankers were damaged during an incident off the Strait of Hormuz last June 13.

“The seafarers are appreciative of the concern extended to them by the Philippine government and all those involved in their rescue,” the department said.

“The manning agencies are now looking after the crews’ wellbeing and are dealing with their repatriation,” it added. (Editor: Gilbert  S. Gaviola)