
Child porn ring suspect cries, gets prison in US

PITTSBURGH—An US trucker cried and apologized for his “outrageous” behavior as he became the last of eight men sentenced by a federal judge for participating in a social networking site whose members shared child pornography.

Dave Dean, 43, was sentenced to 15 years in federal prison followed by probation for life by US District Judge Arthur Schwab in Pittsburgh, who called the case the “most egregious and horrific” child pornography case he’s ever seen.

“It was outrageous, my conduct, and I deeply regret having done it,” Dean told the judge. “It is clear that I have a serious problem.”

Dean was charged by a federal grand jury with participating in a group led by 57-year-old Stephen Sims who was sentenced to 17 years in prison in January. Although he pleaded guilty, Sims characterized himself as more of a “den mother” or “cheerleader” than the leader of dozens of men who prosecutors said used his site in the United States and several foreign countries, including the Philippines, the United Kingdom, and Dubai.

Prosecutors said Sims vetted members by having them send him child pornography pictures and videos to prove they weren’t police.

“This prosecution also illustrates the ripe environment for child predators that exists through the Internet. The defendants in this case found kinship online, validating their shared desire to engage in sex with children, and to seek sexual gratification through sharing horrific and degrading images of children,” said US Attorney Hickton.

Assistant US Attorney Craig Haller prosecuted the case and, while acknowledging Dean’s remorse, argued for a stiff sentence. Haller told the judge Dean had sent online chat messages saying he was considering taking the risk of “sexually molesting little girls” and proposed to other members that they travel to Cambodia to indulge such fantasies.

Dean told the judge he was “horrified” at those comments now, saying “I only wish that I had felt that then.”

“The court is not willing to risk the chance that the defendant will re-offend,” Schwab said in handing down the sentence.