
British-Filipino IT entrepreneur among 7 killed in London terrorist attacks

Half-Filipino British entrepreneur Jame McMullan was among the seven people killed in the most recent terrorist attacks in London. FACEBOOK

LONDON – A British-Filipino entrepreneur was among the seven victims killed in the terrorist attacks in the southern part of this city just two weeks after the May 22 Manchester bombing. Up to 50 people suffered injuries.

The second victim of the terror attack to be named is 32-year-old half-Filipino James McMullan, from Hackney, East London.

The first attack took place at London Bridge, when a white van veered off the street and drove into a crowd of innocent bystanders.

The second attack, which killed McMullan, was at Borough Market, seconds away from London Bridge. Three deranged men with knives stabbing and slitting the throats of members of the public. They had driven the van. Police killed all three.

‘Generous and caring brother’

James McMullan was last seen outside a pub in Borough High Street when the attacks began.

His friends, still inside the pub, were ushered upstairs for safety, but James is believed to have been killed by the attackers outside.

James McMullan with sister Melissa. FACEBOOK

Melissa McMullan, James’ sister, gave a tearful and heart-breaking tribute to her “generous and caring” brother to the press on Monday after the police contacted the family.

Sobbing, she said: “This morning we received news from police that my brother’s bank card was found on one of the bodies from Saturday night’s brutal attack, but they are unable to formally identify him until the coroner’s report begins tomorrow.”

“Nowhere else will you find such humor and unique personality,” she said of her brother’s warmth, “with someone who puts friends and family above all else.”

Melissa added: “Words will never be able to match his essence.”

Keeping his entrepreneurial spirit alive

According to the victim’s father, Simon, James was an “exceptional” and entrepreneurial son.

James had been working on an internet-based business to “revolutionize education” and was “on the verge of signing his first contract, a $1.5million deal.”

“It will radically change the face of education – I am going to continue his work,” said Simon.

“I’m just going to try to keep the business that he was doing alive. He was working on it for two years.”

Melissa McMullan grieving for her brother James. SCREENGRAB SKY NEWS

Simon added: “My son really was an exceptional man.”

Moving forward with love

A devastated Melissa continued the statement by reaching out to other loved ones of victims from the attacks and acknowledging the work of the emergency services.

“We would like to send our condolences to the relatives and loved ones of all the people who lost their lives, our thoughts are with them also at this time.

“We would like to thank all the members of the services who did their utmost to serve and protect the population of London from these deranged and deluded individuals.

She ended her message on a poignant note of hope and determination.

“While our pain will never diminish, it is important for us all to carry on with our lives in direct opposition to those who would try to destroy us, and remember that hatred is the refuge of small-minded individuals and will only breed more.

“This is not a course we will follow, despite our loss.”/rga