
Can Duterte trump Donald’s sexist talk?

We know that Pres. RodDee Dee is hella undiplomatic. Mentioning Hitler around the time of the Jewish holidays wasn’t the best move.

And then he topped it by sending President Obama, the EU and any human rights organizations who mentioned extrajudicial killings, a one- way ticket to the eternal hot spot.

And would they save a space for the mouth of Davao? All this after he called Obama a “son of a whore?”

Does political rap artist RodDee Dee have one more bombast in him? Or is he possibly tapped out?

He will have to answer the bell because as of Friday, the ante for unofficial contest for Loudmouth Lauerate has been bumped up to a new level.

The Washington Post has revealed a new audio/video tape from 2005, which is more sex talk tape than sex tape. But one can clearly hear Donald Trump speaking in a lewd, crude manner about women, even talking about grabbing a woman’s p—y.

That’s the vulgar word for private parts. It’s not a word you’d find in the Bible.

The tape reveals a side most people would say makes one un-presidential. It’s a sexist, macho attitude that confirms the subtexts in Trump’s outbursts so far against Hillary Clinton, or even Fox’s Megyn Kelly, or Miss Universe Alicia Machado.

The thrice-married, twice-divorced Trump has a problem with woman that should concern half the population of the United States.

Trump has weathered all the previous doubts about his negative comments on women. He’s practically been Teflon, things have slid off the surface easily without making a dent. Now you’ve got to wonder whether he has a political condom thick enough to protect him.

I don’t think he does.

The presence of real audio, straight out of the horse’s mouth, exposes Trump as a loutish, lewd, dirty old man. It was better when it was just private and things were left to the imagination.

To hear the tape is to be disgusted by the sexist behavior and a massive political turnoff.

Once you hear the audio tape and see him carry on in the video after he says it, allows you to see Trump in full duplicitous glory. The real person is exposed for the hypocrite he is.

As you see him on the tape get off the bus and greet a woman, it’s impossible to unhear the words he said just prior, about grabbing a woman’s private parts.

With the 2nd big debate coming up on Sunday at Washington University in St. Louis, it could be such a distraction that Trump won’t be able to recover.

Trump’s already apologized in that patented smarmy “I don’t really mean it-kind-of-way.”

What he actually said was in his campaign release is as follows: “This was locker room banter, a private conversation that took place many years ago. Bill Clinton has said far worse to me on the golf course—not even close. I apologize if anyone was offended.”

Sorry, many years ago? There’s no statute of limitations for sexist attitudes that are clearly still present. And mentioning Bill Clinton? Really? The U.S. has already punished him for his indiscretions.

And the “if anyone was offended clause”? That’s a classic line indicating a lack of sincerity.

I don’t think Trump will survive this. Unless the Trump targeted voters in Pennsylvania and Ohio are saying, “Well, at least he didn’t use the c-word that rhymes with punt.” (It’s football season).

But this doesn’t mean the Lout Mouth race with RodDee Dee is done. The president of the Philippines is entitled to a response.

Can he produce a locker room tape? Can he beat up Sen. De Lima some more?

I just think Duterte should drop the tough talk. It may bolster the Filipinos who backed him at home and think they want a strong leader.

But strong doesn’t mean dumb. Alienating the U.S. and the world is not a good look, pare.

You really want to go to bed with China and Russia instead?

Here are the facts: When you were telling Obama to go to hell, more people in America were concerned about the San Francisco 49ers second string quarterback not kneeling before the “Star Spangled Banner.”

RodDee, you’d have to give the middle-finger salute and burn the flag to get the attention of Americans, most of whom still think Cory Aquino’s “People Power” is still around. Philippines? Most people here don’t care.

More importantly, your tough talk alienates the handful of Filipinos out of the four million in America who still care about a “back home.”

And when they hear the “go to hells,” they wonder about what kind of gang member is leading the Philippines?

One who is head of extrajudicial killings? The whole thing alienates. And did you see the report about the remittance trends in 2016, how it’s at $442 billion the slowest increase in 10 years according to the World Bank.

The fact is, you need all the Filipinos in the U.S. behind you. As well as the powerful institutions to make things work.

China and Russia, really?? The OFW’s in Moscow don’t care the Philippines like the ones among the four million American Filipinos.

After the First 100 days, enough is enough.

Unless you can top the Trump sex talk in the race for international Loutish Laureate, it’s time for that game to end.

The new president of the only Asian democracy with a genetic link to the U.S. should try to get things done the right way.

And that means by turning on the diplomatic charm expected of a leader. That takes real strength.

Emil Guillermo is a journalist and commentator. Reach him at