
LOOK: Chinese bomber flies over Scarborough

A Chinese H-6K long range bomber flies over Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal in the Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone after the UN Permanent Court of Arbitration trashed China's 9-Dash Line claim. SCREENGRAB FROM CHINA'S STATE COUNCIL INFORMATION OFFICE TWITTER PAGE / WEIBO.COM

A Chinese H-6K long range bomber flies over Panatag (Scarborough) Shoal in the Philippine Exclusive Economic Zone after the UN Permanent Court of Arbitration trashed China’s 9-Dash Line claim. SCREENGRAB FROM CHINA’S STATE COUNCIL INFORMATION OFFICE TWITTER PAGE / WEIBO.COM

China flew its nuclear-capable bomber over the Scarborough Shoal a few days after the arbitration court issued its decision on the South China Sea dispute last week.

READ: Philippines wins arbitration case vs. China over South China Sea

The China’s State Council Information Office posted on Twitter last Friday the photos of the bomber, the H-6K, flying over the contested shoal.

The photo release comes after the much-awaited ruling in The Hague, Netherlands last week. The tribunal said that China’s nine-dash claims had no legal basis.


The website military-today.com described the Chinese nuclear bomber as a “strategic bomber” and “capable of attacking US carrier battle groups and priority targets in Asia.”

Last April, the US deployed its A-10 Thunderbird attack planes over the Scarborough Shoal for maritime patrols as part of its contribution to the region’s stability in the international waters and airspace. RAM/rga