Missouri sex offender pleads guilty to buying child porn from PH

mo state highway patrol

Paul Sipeer, guilty of buying child porn from the Philippines. MISSOURI STATE HIGHWAY PATROL

SPRINGFIELD, Missouri— A registered southwest Missouri sex offender has pleaded guilty in federal court to sending money to the Philippines to view online pornography.

The reports 65-year-old Paul Sipeer of Duenweb pleaded guilty on Tuesday to receiving child porn over the Internet.

Prosecutors say Sipeer transferred money to people in the Philippines in amounts between $10 and $20 several times a month last summer to watch child porn.

Sipeer admitted to investigators that he had sent about $1,200 to the Philippines to pay for child porn. He also acknowledged downloading other child porn from the Internet.

Sipeer also told authorities he had downloaded child porn from the Internet. Several images of child pornography, depicting children younger than 10, were found on Sipeer’s computer, according to the release.

Federal prosecutors say he is facing 15 to 40 years in prison. Sipeer was convicted in 1992 of sexually abusing a 7-year-old.

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