Dengue fever hits Hawaii’s Big Island


SAN FRANCISCO—Hawaii’s Big Island is experiencing an outbreak of dengue fever, a mosquito-borne disease that usually occurs in tropical Asia, Africa, the Caribbean and the South Pacific.

There have been 117 confirmed cases, 29 of them children under 18. The majority of patients, 103, are local residents, according to the state department of health.

State health officials say the disease may have been brought in by an infected traveler because it is not endemic to Hawaii.

One case has been reported on the island of Oahu where Honolulu is located, but it is reportedly not linked the outbreak on the Big Island.

Dengue fever is bitten by infected mosquitoes. Two types of mosquitos — Aedes aegypto and Aedes albopictus — can transmit the virus, and both types are found in Hawaii.

Patients get a high fever and severe joint and muscle pain. Symptoms begin about five to seven days after exposure. Some individuals develop a rash on their hands, arms, feet and legs three to four days after the fever begins.

When diagnosed properly, dengue is successfully treated and the death rate is only 1 percent. Acetaminophen is given to relieve symptoms, which usually last for one to two weeks.

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