
NYC mayor taps Fil-Am as economic development chief


New York City’s newly appointed president of the Economic Development Corp. Maria Torres-Springer with Mayor Bill de Blasio (right). CONTRIBUTED PHOTO

NEW YORK CITY — Mayor Bill de Blasio on June 29 appointed Filipino American Maria Torres-Springer as the next president of the NYC Economic Development Corporation.

Torres-Springer has served as commissioner for Small Business Services since 2014, spearheading City Hall’s efforts to raise wages, expand skill-building in workforce placement programs, promote women-owned and immigrant-owned businesses, streamline the regulatory environment for small businesses and launch initiatives like the Tech Talent Pipeline to help the tech sector and prepare New Yorkers “for 21st century jobs.”

As the first woman to head EDC, Torres-Springer will give priority to the development of advanced manufacturing, life-sciences and tech in the city, ensuring businesses have the needed infrastructure and human capital to spur inclusive growth in neighborhoods across the five boroughs.

“Maria has a proven track-record opening doors for New Yorkers and working closely with businesses to grow our economy,” said Mayor Bill de Blasio. “We are proud to have her lead EDC. Maria will focus on growing vital sectors in our economy, and preparing New Yorkers to seize those opportunities so they can be a part of our economic success story.”

Appointee Maria Torres-Springer

“I am so proud to see Maria take the helm at EDC,” said Deputy Mayor for Housing and Economic Development Alicia Glen. “She has already done so much to drive business growth while unlocking the potential of residents and communities across the city.”

Glen said further: “She’s opened new doors of opportunity for women and minority entrepreneurs, raised the wage floor for workers in our job placement programs and brought together resources to start and grow small businesses. As head of EDC, Maria will drive inclusive growth that keeps NYC a capital for innovation and ensures New Yorkers see the benefits of our growing economy.”

“I am thrilled to advance an economic development agenda that fights inequality and helps lift up every New Yorkers,” said appointee Torres-Springer. “I look forward to working with my colleagues at EDC to ensure our economic development programs strengthen our city’s competitive position while delivering quality jobs, livable neighborhoods, and real opportunity for all New Yorkers.”

Torres-Springer received a B.A. in Ethics, Politics and Economics from Yale University and a Master’s in Public Policy from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. She lives in Brooklyn with her husband and two daughters.

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