
USAID exec here to see how PH is doing

USAID Assistant Administrator Eric Postel  PHOTO FROM USAID.GOV

USAID Assistant Administrator Eric Postel PHOTO FROM USAID.GOV

MANILA, Philippines–A top official of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) will pay a visit to the country for two days to “reinforce the US government’s commitment to the (Philippines’) growth.”

Eric Postel, USAID Assistant Administrator and Partnership for Growth (PFG) coordinator, will be in the country Monday and Tuesday.

According to the US Embassy, Postel will meet with Philippine government officials, the business sector and civil society to review programs under the PFG, an agreement to help the Philippines achieve “broad-based, inclusive and resilient growth.”

The Philippines is one of four PFG countries to which the US government had brought its 15 federal agencies to help further its economy.

Washington has provided P33.33 billion in PFG assistance to the Philippines in the past three years.

The US Embassy said the Philippines had “record high” growth in its gross domestic product since 2011.–Christine O. Avendaño