
Fil-Am press group raps Uber exec’s threat against critical reporters

SAN FRANCISCO — The Philippine American Press Club joined other media organizations in denouncing Uber Senior Executive Emil Michael for his remarks during a private dinner in New York about “spending a million dollars” to hire researchers to dig up dirt on journalists who write negative reports about the “ride-sharing” company.

A BuzzFeed editor, whowas invited to the dinner by journalist Michael Wolff and unaware that the gathering was supposed to be off the record, reported the Uber executive’s remark, which provoked outrage from news organizations and netizens.

At the dinner, according to BuzzFeed, Michael targeted one particular journalist, Sara Lacy, editor of the SiliconValley PandoDaily.Lacy recently accusedUber of “sexism and misogyny.”

Shewrote in her column that she was deleting her Uber app after BuzzFeed News reported that Uber appeared to be working with a French escort service. Lacy added, “The company simply doesn’t respect us or prioritize our safety.”

Michael averred during the dinner “that women are far more likely to get assaulted by taxi drivers than Uber drivers. He said that he thought Lacy should be held “personally responsible” for any woman who followed her lead in deleting Uber and was then sexually assaulted.

Uber is also embroiled in controversy in the Philippines for not registering with the Securities and Exchange Commission and allegedly not paying taxing while already in operation.

“PAPC believes that big corporations like Uber shouldrespect the opinion of journalists and the constitutional right of freedom of speech,” the organization said in a press statement.

“Media should not be punished for doing its job to call out potential hazards to the community and to advocate for the safety and rights of the weak and voiceless,” the statement continued. “Otherwise, corporations can do whatever they want, the public be damned, because they have at their disposal millions of dollars to shut up or destroy the life a critical journalist.

The Filipino-American press group further argued that as the “Fourth Estate” journalists are supposed to act as watchdogs and critics of the powerful and rich, who, due to their influence brought about by position and wealth, may decide to use their ‘superior’ position to trample on the rights of the public.”