Filipino seaman with Ebola symptoms on Greek ship

SAN FRANCISCO — A cargo ship on its way from Guinea to Ukraine will drop anchor off Athens on Monday, November 17, to examine a Filipino crewmember reportedly showing possible symptoms of Ebola.

Port police told Agence France Presse that the Magda P., a bulk carrier owned by Greek shipping company Common Progress and carrying 24 crew, 10 of them Greek and 14 Filipinos, was due at around 1830 GMT.

The source said the ill sailor was Filipino whose name was not available.

The vessel would not dock, remaining in waters off the port while doctors went aboard to examine the crew, the source added, reported the .

If confirmed it would be the first case in Greece of the hemorrhagic virus.

One of the hospitals in the capital, the Amalia Fleming, recently announced it was equipped to cope with patients infected by the virus, which has killed thousands in west Africa since the beginning of the year.