
Group hails Fil-Am’s HUD nomination, urges Senate to confirm

Obama HUD nominee Nani Coloretti. US TREASURY PHOTO

Obama HUD nominee Nani Coloretti. US TREASURY PHOTO

• US Senate has failed to act on March nomination
• Appointment would make Nani Coloretti among Obama’s top Fil-Am officials
WASHINGTON, DC – Young Filipino American community leaders applauded President Barack Obama’s nomination of Nani A. Coloretti as housing and urban development deputy secretary making her, upon confirmation, the fourth female deputy secretary and one of the highest-ranking Filipino Americans serving in the administration.

In turn, Kaya: Filipino Americans for Progress, urged the US Senate to swiftly confirm Coloretti’s appointment. The Senate has made no significant action since Coloretti’s nomination for deputy at the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) department last March 10.

Kaya stated that as her strong resume indicates, Coloretti is more than qualified and capable of being a significant part of HUD’s efforts to create strong and inclusive communities across the country.

“Nani’s nomination demonstrates President Obama’s commitment to diversity and great talent in his cabinet,” said Kaya Co-Chair Romeo Ymalay. “Her confirmation would ensure the representation of the Filipino American community and the greater AAPI community in developing policies that impact us.”

Coloretti is currently serving as the assistant secretary for management at the US Department of the Treasury, a position she has held since 2012.

Previously, she served as the deputy assistant secretary for Management and Budget from 2009 to 2012.

Prior to joining the administration, she worked in the San Francisco Mayor’s office from 2005 until 2009, most recently serving as budget director.

Coloretti is a recipient of the National Public Service Award, the Public Policy and International Affairs Achievement Award, the Government Finance Officers Association Distinguished Budget Presentation Award and the Federal 100 Award.