
US Marine in transgender slay should be turned over to PH—Santiago

Protesters, mostly supporters of LGBT (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders), hold a lit candle and display messages to demand justice in the killing of a Filipino transgender Jeffrey "Jennifer" Laude, with a U.S. Marine as a possible suspect Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014 in Manila, Philippines. Dozens of activists burned a mock U.S. flag as they protested at the U.S. Embassy in Manila on Tuesday, demanding that Washington hand over to the Philippines a U.S. Marine suspected in the killing of a transgender Filipino that the demonstrators labeled a hate crime. (AP Photo/Bullit Marquez)

Protesters, mostly supporters of LGBT (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transgenders), hold a lit candle and display messages to demand justice in the killing of a Filipino transgender Jeffrey “Jennifer” Laude, with a U.S. Marine as a possible suspect Tuesday, Oct. 14, 2014 in Manila, Philippines. AP

MANILA, Philippines – The US Marine tagged in the slaying of a 26-year-old transgender in Olongapo City should beturnedovertoPhilippine authorities anddetainedin a local facility, Senator Miriam Defensor-Santiago said on Wednesday.

Santiago, who chairs thecommittee on foreign relations, pointed out thatunder the Visiting Forces Agreement between theUnited StatesandthePhilippines, the Philippines has automatic jurisdiction over a suspect in a crime committed within itsterritory, once he or she has been identified.

Inthecaseof Jeffrey “Jennifer” Laude, who waskilled over the weekend, a witness allegedlyidentified the suspect as Private First Class Joseph Scott Pemberton, a US Marine of the 2nd Battalion 9th Marines assigned at West Pace Express.

Under theVFA, Santiago said, thePhilippinesshould immediately acquire jurisdictionover Pemberton although she pointed out that under the same agreement,theUScouldimmediatelyget custody of the suspectby making a request.

“VFA has a provision that even if jurisdictionbelongs to thePhilippines,if the US makes a request, just a requestnot even a supported request…automatically jurisdiction mustbe turned over to theUS…” the senator said during a press conference.

While the same provisionprovidesthat thePhilippines may also requestto retainjurisdictionover the suspect,Santiago said, therequestwould not be granted immediately as the USwould only givea so-called “full account” of the circumstances.

“What’s the meaning of full account and circumstances?Nobody knows,” she said.

“But I will insist that under theterms of the VFA itself properly negotiated between the two parties involved, automatically we acquire jurisdiction so kung hawak man nila yung (suspect), i-turn overnila sa NBI and detention should be in our Philippine detention facility,” said the senator.

Santiago also renewed her call to abrogate the VFA,citingamong other things, thevagueness ofmany of itsterms.

“What is visiting? How long is a visitor ? How long is the visit? What is this,a visit in galacticterm?”she asked.

“Then this visiting forces? Who are the forces? And thenwhat’s the meaning of temporary? What’s the meaning of visit..?

“We’re always on the wrong side of the law…and for me this is an opportunity to renew my callto abrogate the VFA…” shesaid.

Toterminate theVFA ,Santiago said the Philippines should only need togivethe US a one-yearnotice.


US Marine held in slay of Subic transgender

PH seeks custody of US Marine in transgender murder

US Embassy vows full cooperation with PNP in transgender slay probe